Tarzan at the Core of Mars ... now I'm just being silly |
repaint and matte of the Forest Goddess art from last week |
Not much to write today ... just the images I've been working on since last I posted, and on a personal note -- I have flu. How it is possible to have flu when you're still wearing your covid mask because you're scared tod death of getting the plague, I do
not know; but yes, I have flu. So... when in pain, distract the brain. Argh.
You could be almost forgiven for thinking the he-man image is an Iray render, but it's not. I managed to get Stable Diffusion to give me something halfway reasonable, and painted from there. In fact it was a bit of a mess ... notice, I've deliberately obscured the hands. They were hideous. I've also painted the costume, and various bits of his physique that were bizarre, but at least I got halfway there before painting. AI art is way more difficult and stubborn that 3D rendering; it's just cheaper. I haven't paid anything yet, whereas, to do these as renders (which could be done), I'd have dropped a couple of hundred bucks. Sorry, my cash flow has stopped since retirement, and I can't go there any longer.
But I've halfway got AI working well enough to get the elements from which to paint, and this was the original object, what I had in mind when I set out to do this. Not to just dish up images given to me by some machine, but to generate elements, and paint. So --
If you're trying this yourself, you might like to know what the prompt was, that got me the barbarian, close enough to fix him with a load of painting. Okay, try this:
fantasy man, young man, muscular, handsome, long black hair, studio photograph, high resolution, photorealism, Boris and Julie Bell, head to waist photograph,
negative prompt: beard, moustache, beard shadow stubble. too many muscles, eyes too big, cartoon, comic style
I'm not going to promise that will work for you, because every time you come to the dang machine, you get different results. But today ... it worked. What goes wrong, predictably, ad nauseam, with this kind of creative process? Well... hands with six fingers, faces with the mismatched eyes from two different people pasted together, arms with two elbows, human figures with three legs and horses with five legs. For whatever reason, I don't seem to be able to stop if happening. Almost as if ... getting a good image happens accidentally.
Anyway, I shall persevere, since I can't afford 3D props and costumes! At least I'm creating images, but I'd hoped for a replacement for 3D elements... Harrumph.
Now, I have flu -- I need tea, and pills. Here I go.