So, the scene above was done in layers. First, a Bryce sky:

So that got the background done, and it was the background that set the tone for the whole image. Now you needed to load up the props:
Concrete slabs from the DM Instances pack ... load 'em twice, stack them and skew them to look like an old wall -- you'll easily figure it out;
Concrete slab -- singular -- from the same pack. Scale it up to about 250% and stand it on end to look a lot like a megalith;
Four shrubs from the PNature shrub pack (they're Poser models but they work brilliantly in DAZ ... get these from Renderosity;
The climbing plant from DM The Gate, for the ivy. Put the plant put at 0% opacity, then scale and rotate the ivy to look like it's growing on and through the old rocks;
The violet bunch, from the Vintage Darlings prop set. Place it on the wall at a nice angle ... this tells you that there's a human very close, because only a human would have picked a bunch of violets and put them down for a minute (probably to grab an umbrella).
Then the fun starts: it took 8 lights to get this effect ... blue, purple, gray, green, peach and white lights. And fiddling the lights into position is something you just have to learn! You can get fantastic results though, if you just start fiddling somewhere and have a bit of patience.
Join me tomorrow when some gorgeous models are going to wander into this set...
Jade, April 28
***Posted by MK: my connection is intermittent, too slow for this.