2023 digital painting |
2023 digital painting |
2023 repaint of the 2010 original |
Massive apologies, guys! This post (or list) still isn't 100% up to date, but it's better than it used to be! Obviously, my best work is all recent. Any kind of art is all about a learning process, like all else in life, and the longer you do it, the better you get, so it stands to reason that the more recent the work, the better it's going to be, right? This blog will be turning 10 years old in about five months, and you can bet that there's been a colossal leap in the quality of my work from "go" to now!
So -- I still have a good-sized job to do in terms of indexing, but lately I've done some serious work on this page, and we're scratching the surface quite deeply by now. There's volumes of art on the blog, and what can I say? Browse around, enjoy stumbling over goodies. Happy browsing!
You could actually do worse than scroll down the page and check out the art in the margins. Many of those images are links to the actual posts; and I'm working on it. Again.
Now, in the older posts, I talk through how to do this artwork, using DAZ Studio 3, with different discussions on each post. If you're looking for viable, contemporary tutorials, these will not help you. Studio 3 is about on the level of the brontosaurus now. I mention it specifically, because I did a lot of good work in Studio 3, pictures I still love. But I did eventually make the transition to Studio 4 and Iray, and worked happily in that realm until computer issues stopped me quite recently. (Long story short: I would have to spend another tonne of money to catch up, and I don't have the cash flow these days. So I switched over to digital painting.)
So, on this understanding -- that the work from here on down is much older and, obviously, not quite what we've come to expect and demand today, let's delve deeper into the Ancient Archives...
...and there's a lot more. At this time, as 2023 draws to a close, I'm working hard (very hard) on my new Art Gallery blogsite. It's about 70% done at this time, and when I'm ready to launch it, you'll read about it on the blog here. It looks like this -- and I'm busy loading in the content right now:

Thanks so much for looking!