3D art and digital painting are the perfect medium of expression for book covers -- especially ebooks. More and more these days, publishers need good art delivered fast for a modest price, and if you ask someone to paint you an actual, genuine painting, it's going to take so long, the "modest price" that's payable is all very well, but the artist will die of starvation ... which is what they used to do a century ago, and more!
The fantastic thing about doing the whole thing digitally is that after you've bought the 3D models, you can mix and match them ad infinitum, and the only element holding you down is your own imagination.
Lately, I've been doing a lot of book covers. A lot. And the more you do, the more your imagination seems to get itself into gear. It's an art medium I like a great deal.
In these images, I created only two backgrounds, and then swapped colors around ... you're looking at DAZ Michael 4, wearing a nice skinmap (it might be Chase; I honestly can't remember), and in four of the shots, the Rock Star Hair by Neftis; and he's wearing the M4 Real Jeans. The rest is all lights, poses and camera angles, and you could literally go on forever, re-re-re-posing the model, resetting the lights, playing with colors ... on top of which, you can also change the skinmaps, and you can alter the physique at whim.
Anyway, this is what I've been doing today -- thought I'd share of few of the renders!
Jade, August 25