I really can not say enough about Vue. What an awesome program! The render time is fast, the file size is small, and the rendering of plants is way beyond Bryce. After using Vue for a coupla months now there really is no comparison between Bryce and Vue. One is t-ball, the other is the Majors.
The first image was an attempt at some gumtree covered hills as the morning mist is rising. I did a bit of modifying to the underlying layer (rocks n ground) of this particular ecosystem preset, but that's about it! And of course the cloud and mist layers of Vue are incredible.
And here's a link to see it full sized widescreen! Please do and you'll be blown away by the trees.
Next up is an experiment in lighting. Specifically sunset lighting and spot lights. And of course there is a different Vue ecosystem added to the canyon from the trees above.
I call this one "Sunset Ambush".
You may need to "Vue" it full size to spot the ambush!
My next guest post will involve OBJs imported from DAZ and used in Vue scenes so stay tuned for that.
NOTE FROM JADE: Thanks to Dave for these -- just a bare glimpse of what Vue can do. So when do we get to see your dragons?? What about the dragon knocking a spaceplane out of the sky? I'm very, very envious! Vue won't run on my computer, because it's quarantined from the Internet, which Eon Software doesn't allow. Thanks again for sharing these ... but will you come back soon and share your dragons?!