With the old computer turned on, I managed -- at last! -- to get back into Studio 3, open up a lot of eons-old project files, and export a dozen of my characters of yesteryear as presets. This is great news for me, at least ... Now I've got the Raven (this character here, with the glossy wings), The Conjuror, The Man in the Hat, my Little Demon, The Swordsman, The Ronin, and a few more. The Iray Converter for Generation 4 works so well, all of these characters look grand in Iray. And what with my budget for new stuff shrinking to not much above zero, well, getting access to old treasures is doubly important. (This picture is called The Raven in Silence ... the set is known as Silence.) Speaking of which --
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https://www.daz3d.com/leather-jacket-for-m4 |
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https://www.daz3d.com/vintage-leather-jacket-for-genesis-8-males |
...and that also isn't too expensive, so it's on the agenda. But a new jacket for M4? Sure. Why not? Anyway, we'll start with "The Raven," and explore the possibilities of Iray and classic characters. This will be fun!