Now, here's a grab-bag ... a couple of images which are ore "digital musing," above, and below, one render each from four different series of images. Two "studio" shoots where we see the kind of promo shots that would happen if NARC were a major motion picture, and the studio called the actors in for the stills photographer to do his thing; and two shots from the movie -- NARC 101, usually flown by Curt Gable, until Raven Leaders get airborne to fly forward observation on mission...
The rafts of art for the new NARC website are obviously coming along nicely. Also, I'm just about to get back into Macromedia -- used to be one of the top-end visual effects progs, long, long ago, before Macromedia was bought out by either Adobe or Corel -- can't remember which -- and virtually allowed to slither into non-being. The only part of the Macromedia repertoire that was salvaged was Shockwave, which was eclipsed by Flash in any case. It's safe to say that Macromedia was out-competed by Adobe and/or Corel ... but I laid out over $2,200 for the software -- in 1995, when bucks were worth one hell of a lot more than they are now! Macromedia Director runs on Vista, and I'm about to start doing some serious stuff with it. Multimedia used to be so exciting, back in Ye Olden Days. So let's see what the old software will do with the new generation of digital art...
Jade, 14 December