Sunday, April 7, 2024

Shaking hands with some old friends: remastering old, old images. Nice!

Michael 4 in Lux Render

Michael 4 in Lux Render -- done in 2012

2x M4, painted raytrace -- done in 2012

2x M4 ... Raytraced and Photoshopped

Still sorting through told old archives ... still playing with the ancient images in Photoshop because -- well, I don't have the energy at the moment to do much more. Right on cue, my health fell to pieces again. I'm trying to pick up the pieces, but I have to be honest and say that every time this happens, it gets harder to drag myself back up and start again. (Fair to say, also, that I ain't getting any younger. Sigh.) Having said that -- playing in Photoshop is a lot of fun, in lieu of doing fresh images.

The blog is starting to really come into shape now. There's just a little work left to do on the very, very early posts: dead links, Flash Player slideshows that haven't been supported in almost a decade, images that have vanished for one reason and another. The last thing I'll do on this job is (!) go through the retag everything. Honestly ... if you've tried to find something, anything, on this blog -- well, good luck with that! I can't find a dang thing myself! But the retagging is the last job of all, after which -- this whole blog is in very good shape indeed. 

Have been collaborating in a writing partnership lately -- which also has been keeping me busy and hence eating up what small amount of energy I have/had. But yes, I seem to have broken the drought, defeated the worst case of Writer's Block imaginable. I've collaborated on two stories and written another solo, for which I did this little piece, which appeared on my writing blog:

That's an amalgam of "odds and sods," pasted together, dropped into monochrome, colourized, and then painted with a tonne of snow. No it's not representational of an actual place in London. It's only supposed to be evocative of a time and a place: ice age hits Europe, and this is how London copes. Eep.

Last thing for today: I'm actually going to stand up here and defend the Generation 4 figures. I read something the other day where this one guy was utterly rubbishing Michael 4 and Victoria 4, as if nothing was good before about Genesis 5 or whatever. I'm going to stamp by foot and say that is utterly untrue. In fact, it's balderdash! Example:

That, there, is not Genesis anything. That is Victoria 4.2 in Iray, with a tiny bit of Photoshop enhancement after the fact. Actually LOOK at this --

Now, I designed that face and boy myself, using the Morphs++. The skinmap is Angel, with it's tattoos turned on. Shaders on the fingernails. Here is where it gets clever: that is a Genesis  Male hair prop she is wearing. Yep -- V4 can wear a G8M hairdo! The rest of it, though? If you're thinking it has to be Genesis -- nope. The great thing about M4 and V4 is that they are low-poly enough that older systems don't herniate, trying to render them.

Okay, off the soapbox. But I did want to say that. Done. More soon ... I do have many images in mind that I want to produce, and if/when I can find the energy and the time, I can't think of a better way to blow off a winter's evening. And winter is arriving rapidly in our neck of the woods. After the lingering heat of March, it's most welcome!