Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year, 2011!

If I want to sign something "2011" ... I better hurry! I have a little over two hours, and then I won't be able to sign anything "2011" ever again (unless I make a typo -- and I've done that, as well!) ... so...

Here's what I was dabbling with in the early evening. Bryce 7.0 Pro actually works on my new computer! I can't believe it. It actually works! The mountainscape was done in Bryce and given a tiny little bit of Photoshop enhancement after the fact. The render took about three minutes. The wolf is another story --

I bought this model about a year ago, and -- like the Allied Fleets Destroyer -- I found I couldn't load it properly. It has the wolf body as one model, and the fur as a second model which overlays the first. Sure, I cold load the body. But, the fur? Hundreds of thousands of polygons. Not a chance. But I loaded it up this evening ... and then added trees and grasses (which take a heck of a lot of rendering on their own). Then, having already done the implausible, I asked for the impossible: I set it to raytrace.

This one took about a half hour. The old computer wouldn't even load the wolf's fur, and it would have taken over two hours, maybe three, to raytrace the trees. Whew!

Have uploaded these are 1000 pixels wide, so you can see the details. Please do take a look.

And now ... Happy new Year to all. It's about 10:00pm here, on the other side of the dateline. The fireworks are already going off, I'm listening to them -- and I'm looking at 2012 as a reality. Ye gods and little fishes, as my Irish granny used to say, what happened to 2011?!

See you next year...

Jade, December 31