Thursday, March 18, 2021

Making faces ... and repainting old images

Having a lot of fun creating faces ... that's the Michael 8 skinmap, but a whole new face designed to go along with it; and that's the DMM Rebel skinmap, complete with tattoos, but that's a face as designed by me -- largely because, at this moment, I can't get Rebel to install properly. I might have mentioned this before, but the file structure for Genesis assets is different; even when you've put them where they're supposed to go, Studio can't access them. I seriously need to think this through, work it out.

It's also been a day for revisiting old projects -- and repainting them! Like --

These are infinitely better than the versions I did a few months ago. That's actually just the Genesis 8 figure wearing Georgia's makeup options! It was mostly a mix and match experiment for costume bits and shaders. But I have to say, I do like the G8 male figure who's wearing Michael 8's skinmap. I think I could do a lot with that. Hmm... A few ideas are occurring to me, even as I type this! This is going to be fun.