"Heavy lifter on approach" ... another in my series of "Alien Colony" images. Pleased to say, this doesn't use a backdrop ... that's the Power Cargo prop, by Powerage, waaaaay outside the Station 3000 set, also by Powerage, with an atmospheric plane slapped between. I put an opacity map on it for some airborne texture. Add Yonni for G8M, and the Droid with new shaders; the whole thing rendered all of a piece. The only post work is a lick of dust rising in the foreground. This took about twenty minutes to "cook"... interesting that the old Rust-icator shader works excellently with Iray. And ...

"...and as the sun touched the hills she heard the creature's dreadful cry. Rogue Red took up her grandmother's sword, left behind the ill-favoured riding hood -- and went out to hunt wolf. " In fact, a fractured faery tale, in which Grandmama had been the swordmaster who, in her day, taught the young warriors, and the wolf is wyrkind, yielding only to an ancient blade that was Grandmama's possession for over a hundred years before the creature got the better of her. (That's Jolinari; Akaste hair gussied up with new shaders by TwiztedMetal; parts of the Rogue Red Returns costume; Swashbuckler boots; DM's Kerrick's Sword, fallen boughs and lantern. Additional shaders by Atenais (dress), JG (glass), Twizted (tights). Yet more shaders layered on the ground. One bright, warm spot, a hint of environment light, a tonne of light poured out by the candle flame, and some tone mapping. The shader on the sword ... hey, I made another shader! Couldn't find anything I liked today, so I delved back into an old project and exported the surface I'd made for another blade. It worked!) Plus...

Another in my ongoing series of "Holiday Snaps" ... in fact, playing with "available light" streaming in through two opposing windows. This was fun. That's a mix and match V4, with the face morph from one character, the body morph from another, the skinmap from a third, plus Nana hair with Twizted's hair shaders added, and the old Shadow Dancer costume given a complete makeover with fabric shaders. Victoria is visiting DM's Anardhouse set, and in the background --

Renderosity was having a sale (when are they not?) and I couldn't resist a pack of Ceramic shaders. These are goof proof and unspeakably gorgeous, so I'm salting them away in all kinds of places. They really are gorgeous ... and tonight, DAZ was having a sale, and I bought the "ROG Fantasy Home Living Room Furniture Set, which is a set of over sixty props, which are going to be sheer joy to work with! Later, when I have some spare cash, I'll get the Fantasy Home set too ... it's a 3D realization of Bilbo's house, and it's ... delicious. But not before I have some spare bucks.