So much art, so many pictures, so little time for posting anything these days! This has been a time of computer issues, software issues, frustration, exasperation ... what can you say? You do what you can, and "solider on," as always. Alas, something has to go on the back burner, and these days, what I usually have to let go is blogging, which seems a bridge too far in this day and age of Facebook. Someone said to me the other day, "Nobody blogs anymore." I don't think that's true; but 99% of everything now seems to be Instagram and Facebook...
I'll stop here, and post again in a few days, play catch-up some more, with another assortment of images. I'll try not to let the grass grow ...! But honestly, this last month has been such a catalog of dismay as first the new computer went haywire, and then the software! I opened a customer support ticket at DAZ, but to date nothing has come of it -- and they're overdue now. Till next time then ...