Saturday, July 17, 2021

Sword masters, mages and -- cats!

Lucky I took a look at the DAZ House Cat this morning ... it's on sale right now, and so are several of the packs of poses. So I treated myself to a few items (inexpensive; the lot added together came to $27) and here's the result --

This is delicious! I'd have to call this picture "Irreverence." This is the Mage's study, with all his massive magic books. He's studying dragon-lore (if you could see the open book in CU, you'd see the pictures), and does his cat care? Not a jot! "Let's just roll in the sun on thid big leather book, and maybe I'll sharpen my claws on it!" It's actually a lovely figure:

Ooooh, the possibilities are endless! I'm going to enjoy this. I've just about caught up with images posted here. There's just a few more, the first of which is a set called The Guildhall, with special lighting set up -- Iray loves it.

So I'll have a pleasant afternoon, playing with my new kitty cat! So I'll sign out here, and --!