Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A 3D summer fantasy: the perfect beach-- er, bum!

The perfect 3D beachboy ...! I actually only intended one render, but I always do several and I wound up not being able to choose between them. You choose!

It's a snapshot of Seacliff Beach in February last year (Australia ... we're all upside down here. You guys are digging yourself out from under blizzards, I know, but we're scorching. I also wanted to take a new hairstyle for a spin. I just got the Danyel hair -- it's on special at DAZ right now, for about $7, who could resist? It looks very good on a young Adonis. I also think it would look good on a warrior of the Battle of Troy era ... need to get some Greek or Trojan helmets!

Anyway, it's a very basic shot ... Michael 4, Danyel hair, Jagger skinmap, and a snapshot of the beach about a mile away from here. (I know, we're spoiled rotten. Some of us are even smart enough to know it.) The interesting thing here is hat the original render, even with the lights set up for harsh daylight, was still too flat to look realistic. I finished the shot off in Irfanview: gamma UP a bit, contrast waaaaay up, then UNsaturate some of the color. Sunlight down here is very harsh ... and damned dangerous. You know this young hunk is slathered up in sunblock ... and if he ain't, he oughtta be.

Back to work now!

Jade, 13 January

***Posted by MK: my connection is intermittent, too slow for this. Seriously, guys, I've got dialup speeds. How are you expected to do anything these days, at 1990 dialup speeds?!!!