Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Falling into the deeps

Looking at the renders from earlier today it occurred to me that the freefall images could be underwater just as easily. So --

All the post work on this image was done outside of DAZ. The water pattern was added in Serif X3 with a complex transparency ... then the rays of filtered sunlight from above and the suggested shadow of a boat in the corner were done in Micrographx 10, and then the bubbles were added in Serif...!

Makes for an extra "take" on the same render -- and quick, too. Took about five minutes flat!

Jade, 6 January

***Posted by MK because the internet is AWOL. Intermittent crap. Be warned, guys: our connection is going to be in and out for a week or two, as of this point: Telstra (or whatever) is doing a lot of work on the landlines in this area. And as you know, if you've been looking at the "poster notes" on these journal entries in my looooong adventure through the world of CG, 3D and digital, even at the best of times we can find ourselves with dialup speeds in this area. This is why MK has been making many posts for me, since Day One -- Keegan has the fast connection, not me! (This should change in the near future, when the cables or whatever are updated, and they stop working on them. At least, s'wot Telstra promises.) Credit where it's due: this blog would not have been possible without the support of a pal with decent internet. Because ours sucks. We moved into this area about six months before I got into Studio and blogging about it, and I almost quit right there: DAYS to download something from the DAZ store, at one point. Argh. Thank gods for friends when you need 'em!