Saturday, January 27, 2024

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something -- yes, blue!

and if you'd prefer the not-vignette version ...

A new year ... and the painting and rendering bug has bitten me again. Starting to paint happily -- also to run all manner of Photoshop experiments. If you're anything like me, you can only learn by doing. Seriously. I can read every manual in the world -- and did! I learned about surfaces, textures, opacity, gloss, whatever, from The 3D Studio Max Bible -- but it only made sense after I went hands-on and started to render and paint. Before that, information circulating in my brain might as well be Monty Python's Galaxy Song.  Or Hugh Laurie singing Mystery. (Don't get me started. Once the giggles set in, I'm done for.) So...

Here, you have a vast variety of elements, all working in harmony. 3D renders; AI elements; Photoshop brushes by the score -- bokkeh, rain, trees, grass, shapes; transparent .PNG elements; Photoshop masks and gradients and rendered lens flares ...

And there's more to report!

I'm going to be in ANALOG Science Fiction for the third time, either later this year or over into 2025. I just signed the contract for Firegrounds, which is a story of 4,000 words, set in South Australia in about sixty years' time. It's about wildfires, firefighters, fire starters, robots and AI, in an era when wildfires are inevitable and the best thing you can do is stop them before they start. So ... happy, happy! I'll blog about this again, when the story is published, and obviously it'll be covered on my writing blog.

Do you notice that a good deal of the art I'm producing lately has the look and feel of cards? This wasn't something I pursued; it just happened. Probably came out of some of the photography I've been doing lately. Images that suit themselves so perfectly to being cards that I can't resist doing this with them: And please do click on that graphic if you'd like to view the photographs at large size. It's over 4000 pixels high, so you can, um, see the images. What's the point of posting photos that are so small, they can't be seen? I know a lot of people are in some perceived battle to protect their copyrights, so it's thumbnails or nuthin', but ... honestly, the interwebs are overflowing with images. The days when one could claim to have something unique, and worthy of theft, are long gone. Unless you have a snapshot of King Charles with a pigeon landing on his hat while Queen Camilla falls over laughing. Now, that would be unique enough to be worth your fortune!