Thursday, February 1, 2024

Old favourites, new techniques ... nice!


Old favourite characters from soooo long ago, I'd actually forgotten about them. This was a nice little romantic fantasy back in 2010 (!) ... and I decided to use some old, old renders to test out some new theories. I've wanted to paint for a long time now. Not render. Paint. What you see here is 50% ancient raytrace, 50% painting -- and when you upscale an old, old render, boy, do you have to do some painting. They pixelize badly ... which gives you a project, and opens the door to a whole lot of painting. This was all done in Photoshop, for the sheer convenience of it. Not saying it couldn't have been done in Krita, but the truth is, it's rather a long time since I've played in Krita: the interface isn't as familiar as it used to be, and I'm way too tired to faff about. But -- yay -- everything worked! Now I can't wait to do more! Oh, yes. And speaking of painting --

That was an interesting project, and I'll leave it to you to figure out what was painted, what began as a transparent .png, which bit started life as a photograph, etc.. It's a combination of all three, and/but nothing was used in its original form -- which is why it looks seamless when it puzzled together.

This one, though, is a painting, pure and simple. From scratch. Started with a photo, which I took at Lyndoch Hill a couple of years ago ... did a sketch from it ... painted. Musk Lorikeet ... nice ... and this is the first time I have managed to hand-paint feathers that actually look like feathers! Every time I've tried, previously, I've got fur, not feathers, LOL. I knew I'd figure it out but -- dang, it took about five goes to get it. Ha!

So -- all experiments turned up positive results, and now I can't wait to paint!