Friday, February 9, 2024

More pretty things ... why is it always the day from hell?!


Why is it always the day from hell? Always! Things were fine till evening, and I thought, "Hey, we're going to get a good day." Then you hold your breath, because you're just "waiting for it to happen." And it did -- something always does; you can count on it. Argh.

So ... indulging myself in a little art, working on this blog some more, to take my mind off the sheer aggravation. Sigh. I wish I could tell you these are new renders, but they're not. I still don't have the time to invest in fresh art -- a quick sketch here and there is the best I can do lately, and to be honest, I'm too tired even for that, most of the time! These are old ones, but they've been touched up in subtle ways to make more, and better, of them. 

Still working on this blog! I though I had it in good shape, then I looked back at it, spot checking here and there. Nope. Lots of missing images, dead links, obsolete stuff ... lots more work to do, to get it right! Bear with me. I also haven't yet had the chance to finish my new gallery site. Life just keeps getting in the way. And there's soooo much to do in the next few days, it would be futile to say, "Tomorrow's another day, we'll start again," because that would be utterly impossible. 

We soldier on!