Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Don't go down to the woods tonight ... really. Uh, Halloween!

Halloween spirit! If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise ... there's no teddy bears, for a start! The battle between light and darkness is being fought out on this turf. There's a 'night warrior' abroad, armed and dangerous, and he's on the hunting trails.

Which means we need the reverse shot here -- get a look at what, or who, he's hunting! Here we go:

The warlock -- weird, and altogether not nice! Let battle commence...

That's CC Foster in the first picture, which is an Iray render. The costume is "kit bashed" from three different cossies ... that's the grave marker from the Reparation set, and a lantern from one of the DM sets. A couple of the Gnarly Old Trees props ... also some lovely props from Merlin's Wild Borders in the background, but with the DOF set so strongly (ie., a big virtual aperture), alas, you can't see them properly. In the second picture, that's a raytrace of Michael 4 wearing the Warlock morphs and skinmap, the Hermes hair, the Lockwood shirt, which I painted out into a robe, plus a couple of very neat props from the Staff Pack. Both were painted quite a bit in Photoshop to increase the atmospherics and spooky factor.

No particular story attaches to these images: it's too obvious! There's evil on the loose, and the locals have sent for the warrior who takes them out, or down, or whatever it is they do. Fun!