Saturday, February 6, 2021

Step into my parlor...


First of all -- yippee: I've got raytracing working as well as it ever did, so the gorgeous "painted raytraces" I used to like so much are back on the menu. Second, I've got about forty different experiments going in this picture, and most of them worked! Imagine my surprise (shock, horror?) to realize I'd actually forgotten how to do some of this stuff, in about a year of not touching it for fear of burning out the old computer! True. I had to get in there and remind myself how HOW to do some of this. Anyway -- sorted.  

One of the best things about raytracing this time around is the speed of it. The render is done so fast, I suspect I can actually pose a crowd! If it'll do a render of some complexity, with the quality settings turned up ten notches, and finish in a few minutes, it ought to render a half dozen figures -- the generation four figures, low poly -- in less than an hour, yes? Well, maybe. But it's worthy a try. Anyway ... that's probably it for today, because I feel pretty lousy. Wore up with an impending migraine, got over than and am coming down with a sore throat. Oh, joy. So I'm checking out for today and we'll try again tomorrow ... so many things to work with, and work out. It's fun again!