Monday, April 24, 2023

The Festival of Fire - story illustrations


Just finished the suite of illustrations to accompany a story ... nice! The Festival of Fire is a "deep outline" of a fantasy tale ... dragons and cats, a magical city, a many-layered backstory ... at around two thousand words. And I might work this up full-length; it speaks to me. 

The art started life as AI rubbish. And I do mean rubbish. Cats with three tails, one growing out of his chest? Dragons with wings sprouting from their heads? Three-legged humans?! Rooftops floating in mid-air??? Lanterns not attached to anything, floating around by themselves?!! Cars buried in the road surface?!! 

Suffice to say, I took each AI generated disaster to pieces and put it back together. That's over ten hours of painting, so -- you bet your dang boots I'm signing off on these images! They're mine now, no matter where they started life. 

If you like fabulous cats and dragons, and fancy a short read about a boy called Tomas and a felix called Tyree, I've posted it to my writing blog ...thanks for looking!