Thursday, April 13, 2023

Winter comes even to Lothlorien...


All digital painting today. Yes, I'm intending (every day!) to start up Studio and get rendering, and every single day I run out of time. There's always some danged thing that comes along to take up an extra hour or so, and push the art project into tomorrow. (What was it today? I managed to smash a full bottle of pure, organic coconut oil all over the kitchen floor. Glass and oil everywhere. Ooooh, boy.) So -- again, the 3D work will get pushed off to another time. 

So here's something a but like a young Aragorn, in the days when he was roaming the land as Strider ... and "Galadriel in Winter." Or, "Winter comes even to Lothlorien." 

There's not much to add ... life is being a Queen Bitch at the moment, but so many people are saying the same thing, I shan't complain. Well, I could, but nobody would be listening --!

So let me sign off here with something that's close to the AI original ... painted somewhat, so it's worth signing off on it, but -- did I create this from scratch? No. I just painted and tweaked the heck out of it. Enough to warrant a signature? Maybe. But I'll be honest, I'm not totally happy putting a signature on something that came out of a machine. I just made the case to a person on an AI group I post to, that I sign off on my stuff so that people know where it came from. Reasonable? I think so...