Touching base here, and "on the run" as usual ... but this one is well worth a look. CG art -- half 3D and half digital painting. What's painted? The whole backdrop was painted for this piece specifically, and shipped into DAZ. The character and props were posed, lit and rendered, then the finished render was shipped into Photoshop and a lot of painting was done on many parts of it.
Still trying to come up with something awesome for Post #600, which comes up in just five posts' time! I think I glimpse something in the mind's eye that might be up to the challenge ... fantasy art, gorgeous hunk, that kind of thing.
So what's involved in today's piece? That's DAZ's Michael 4 wearing the Yannis Rasta dreadlocks and the Jerome skinmap by Tosca, and a bit of the costume called The Hunter. He's wielding Merlin's Katana, and those are some pieces from a set called The Lost Path by H3D in the background. Lots of painting on everything, after the render ... plus Ron's Birds, and Ron's smoke. Result: very nice indeed! (You can get all these items from Renderosity, including the skinmap, incidentally.)
Sorry to be a bit brief today -- work is piled up on me as usual. But I have some more new 3D toys to play with, and I'll be back very soon with some goodies which will include a couple of male nudes I've been thinking about for at least a week now. Not that one obsesses about these things, you understand, but when a great idea for a digital painting gets into the back of your mind, it's hard to shake. Uh huh.
Also, I've been asked to talk a little bit about the new Genesis figure -- explain that the heck is going on with this ... lots of people are quite confused, and so was I at first. So this is what I'll be talking about tomorrow, and with a bit of luck it'll make sense, or more sense!
Jade, 12 September
***Posted by MK because the internet is AWOL. Intermittent crap.