Saturday, January 16, 2021

Face morphs and Iray lights

Today's experiment ... start with the Genesis 8 base figure, then mix and match skinmaps and eye maps, create a new face -- and not a "perfect" face that looks like it just walked out of a magazine; a "real" face that you could meet on the street, please. And then set up the Iray lights to make a render really pop. By George, I think I've got this. I've got the lights figured out! So, what's the resolution like on the Genesis 8 figure? Meaning, how close can you get to it, before you start to see the polyons? That used to be a big issue with the generation 4 figures. As much as I really do like Michael 4, you had to be so careful about getting to close. So, let's have a look...

I'm impressed. That's pretty much the raw render; all I did was give the gamma a little tweak in Irfanview after it finished, and the rest is "just as it comes." The eyes are in shadow, so they're a little dark; I thought, what happens if you brighten up the shot, and get in really close, will it still hang together? You'll probably have to see this at large size to get a good idea of the resolution of the skinmap and geometry; I uploaded this at 1000w ...

And I'm actually pretty impressed with Genesis 8 at this level. Now I need to get in there and design some faces that appeal to me, LOL, because, by and large, the stock characters just don't. That'll be the next thing we do, I think! Well, that and starting to install the 270+ items from Renderosity, and making up a catalog of my DAZ "assets -- because it is utterly impossible to find anything in the new "improved" content menu/window system. It's beyond hopeless. If you don't know exactly what you want, and exactly what it's called, you will not find it. And if you should happen to have about 600 items in your collection... uh huh. (I've even doing this for over ten years, so yes, I do have a lot of 3D gear.) So -- looking forward to tomorrow's project!