Friday, January 29, 2021

Mix and match costumes, shaders and all

Today's experiments were about mixing and matching bits of different costumes and then making them match up though the use of Iray shaders ... it's actually a lot of fun. You don't see it so much on the Rex character, above, because its just the leather jacket (for Genesis 1) and the jeans (for Genesis 3), and the Varun hair (Genesis 8); but when you get into the female character ... well, I'll admit there's a lot more to work with! Here we go --

That's a mixture of four different costumes, all made to match with shaders ... and then we get to the woman herself. That's G8 Female, right out of the box -- wearing Georgia's makeup and eyes, and the Side-part Hair for Genesis 2. (For these images, I'm not beating my brains out with sets and props; these backgrounds are lifted right out of the packs by Sveva -- you can find them on Renderosity. At this moment, I don't have time to run every experiment in the book with lights and shaders, and mess about with setting whole scenes ... besides which, I haven't (yet) got down to the installations! I still have 250+ things to install. And finally, when you set up a huge scene, you blow out your render times.) I played about with it a little bit ...

A tree by Flink, a bunch of other props, a backdrop out of Terragen, Iray lighting to simulate sunset. It's okay ... but the problem with 3D trees is that the leaves are the size of hubcaps or dinner plates. I'm honestly not that impressed with anyone's 3D tree models. Terragen is fine, till you bring in trees, and then unless you can afford the XFrog tres, which only work in Terragen, you're back to the same problem pf hubcap sized leaves, which rob the tree/scene of realism. And the thing that makes me relictant to spend hundreds of bucks on XFrog trees is that since they only work in Terragen, it locks you into working with Terragen -- which, in turn, is a subscription service, if you want to get away from the limitations of the free version. Its not cheap, and I don't have the bucks, in the long term. So, we'll just use backdrops, for the moment, I think! In any case --

Today's experiments were a big success, with one exception. The Wardrobe Wizard that worked so brilliantly yesterday failed today ... and this is weird, because it failed on the same costumed and figures it worked with before. Restarting the software did NOT work ... restarting the computer might, but I don't have the time. So ... another day, for that. So, there you go --

-- the magic of shaders. I like it! More soon. There are eight thousand more experiments to run. And I must get around to installing all those other goodies...