Here's another take on the same theme: the rear view, with glorious hair added in, also ... and an unseen face. Same reason -- and again, this format of man-candy art is very popular right across the spectrum of m/m and manlove publishing ... with good reason!
Only a couple of beauty shots at this moment, but I'll be back tomorrow with new creations. Today is the first day off I've had in weeks, and I have a date with a lounge chair and a good book, in a patch of shade in the woods, with a picnic basket parked right beside me. Day off. Let the words resonate on your tongue and among your brain cells ... delightful, innit?
And here I go --!
Join me tomorrow for a "beefcake shoot" ... the brain is full of ideas, I just need the time!
Jade, 2 February ... Groundhog Day!
***Posted by MK, because I have no viable connection to the www today.