Friday, February 26, 2010

Yaoi 3D meets George of the Jungle ... wow!

Yaoi is an art form that's gaining momentum right now, and it'd gain a hell of a lot more momentum, and do it faster, if it were more widely recognized that Yaoi does not mean underage kids!! It means "young," and "youthful," and -- invariably -- Beautiful. Specifically, beautiful young men. I do this kind of art when I'm (honestly) sick and tired of the avalanches of babes, clothed or un-, that so dominate the www, you just can't get away from them. There's almost nowhere you can go to look at the equivalent young males, so ... DIY. Check.

Something clicked in my imagination yesterday. I was thinking Brendan Fraser as George ... I was also thinking about The Jungle Book (Brendan Scott Lee as Mowgli). And I was remembering waaaay back to Ron Ely as Tarzan. Anybody remember Ron Ely? As in, six-foot-six, and ... this, which I grew up with (explains much, dunnit?) ...

Then I recalled that I had downloaded the Heart of the Forest cyclorama set ... and the rest happened. George as seen with the yaoi art filter on the binoculars!

Y'know, I grew up with George of the Jungle (Brendan Fraser probably did too ... if you were around in the 60s and 70s, George was just part of a Saturday morning). But George Primate didn't turn into a drop-dead gorgeous hunk until 1997, and suddenly he was on the sides of buses! That was the point when I sat up and started taking notice ... a lot of notice! It was also the first time I saw Brendan-- not his first movie, I know, but the first I'd seen myself.

And since 1997, "George of the Jungle" has meant the gym hunk from heaven, with the long, flowing locks and the chiseled physique and ... all that stuff ... until yesterday a whole suite of concepts clicked in my imagination, and after I'd done playing with the cyclorama set to see how it all worked and what was available in it, I could resist adding a figure ... a Yaoi figure ... George.

This is what you're working with in the cyclorama "environments" ... this is not "true" 3D as such. They're 2D "planes" which are set up in ranks and give a fantastic illusion of depth and perspective. If all the trees and plante were true 3D, the computer would soon overload with the number of models in the shot. So these cyclorama sets are a great compromise. You just have to bit a clever with how you set them all up, and where you put the camera. Every time you change the camera position, you get a new view, or scene. Fantastic!

So here you have Michael 4 wearing the Jagger skin map and the Danyel hair, and one of my own faces (same as you've seen on the dancer-assassin several times now ... I cast him over and over because he's one of my favorites).

Yaoi meets George. Or, George meets Yaoi -- whichever way you want to put it. Nice!

Jade, 27 February

***Posted by MK, because I have no viable connection to the www today.