Friday, May 10, 2019

An alien city, ships in orbit ... and an SF hero on the street

Today -- science fiction. Because I feel like ... science fiction. Give me a reason why not! I'm not going to tell you I designed the city: it's a standing set for Bryce 7 Pro! I bought it a loooong time ago and haven't done very much with it, and stumbled over it again just the other day. It's fun driving the camera around in it, and by the time I'd rendered this, below --

-- I thought, that would be a terrific scene for a movie, Cinemascope and all. What it needs is a character in costume. So ...

Now, the digital actor is a slightly new version of a character I designed for a book cover back in something like 2014, but it was never used. I just changed the hair for this. Nice! No, I didn't ship Michael 4 into Bryce and render him there. Not that you can't (you can), but the results are never satisfying, at least to my eye. I just imported the Bryce city render as a backdrop and raytraced the character, then did a little overpainting in Photoshop. Cheating? Maybe. Probably. But frankly, the results are better this way. Go figure.

Also in Bryce 7 Pro today...

I felt like doing something along the lines of Chris Foss! This was a lot of fun, came out really well, and took my mind off the bloody pain I was in after seeing the dentist. Dang, they do know how to torture people, don't they? Over five hundred bucks, and soooo much pain. The only good thing to come out of it is that no more can be done for these teeth, so I'm through paying and paying. There are still problems, but right now it's "Come back when something starts to bother you," and presumably we've reached a point where we start waving bye-bye to them. Uh huh. Between you and me, I will not shed a tear: I'm really, truly, seriously fed up of them. 😬 And the upside to that is ... now I can look at spending some bucks on the computer! Tomorrow (when I'm in less pain and thinking clearer, with hopefully fewer pills floating around in the bloodstream), I'll check out NVIDIA video cards, and the requirements for IRay and so forth...