Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Dreams of Trees ... a meditation

Repainted for 2024 ... a mix of DAZ Studio 3 originals and Photoshop magic. Nice!

Jade, January, 2010

***Originally posted by MK: at the time, my connection was painfull intermittent, far too slow for this. In our area of SA, at that time we dialup speeds -- I kid you not. How are you expected to do anything, at 1990 dialup speeds?!!! We'd moved house a few times, from an area where the internet was pretty good to another place where it was, frankly, a joke. It took a couple of years for this to improve, but it did eventually. If you're following this blog through, you'll notice that by mid-2012, I was able to upload anything, at almost any time. Happy, happy.