Friday, January 15, 2010

Gay Vampires rock ... in 3D, of course!

Vampires. 3D vampires. Gay 3D Vampires, if you like, nudge, wink. I've been a big fan of this genre for a long time, and when I was looking at yesterday's renders -- the Carnival in Venice art, and being reminded of Ann Rice's Cry to Heaven, it didn't take long for my mind and imagination to make the leap ... vampires, specifically Renaissance vampires!

Would you believe the immortal with the white-blond hair is actually the same young beauty who was stalking the canalside with curly hair yesterday? Same model, new hairdo. I was over at DAZ looking at the day's fast grabs and spotted this one for $7:

From Neftis -- still available in 2024,
but the price is not US$19.95. Time flies.

The style is sort of punk-fantasy-renaissance, and comes in a variety of colors and styles, even before you start playing around with the surfaces tab to change to colors. Highly recommended, and if you grab it while it's on a promotional special, it's also very affordable.

The hair wasn't the only thing I played around with! In the end, I couldn't figure out which render I wanted, so (again) have uploaded the lot. Here's the thing: top picture, it's definitely the brunette who's the vampire, because he's showing his fangs. Middle picture, they could both by vampire. Bottom picture, the brunette looks mortal, and the platinum blond takes on the appearance of the predator, without a thing about him changing.

The background is a tourist photo of an Italian hall which is routinely open to the public, but I did a lot with it to change daylight to lamplight, and then blurred it out for the same reasons of photographic theory I was talking about yesterday. And there is no doubt at all that the third of these images is a "gay image," but you could read the other two any way you want, so ...

You choose, because I absolutely can't!

Jade, 16 January

***Posted by MK: my connection is intermittent, too slow for this. Seriously, guys, I've got dialup speeds. How are you expected to do anything these days, at 1990 dialup speeds?!!!