Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3D art galore ...!

2024 Edit: sorry, guys -- all I have left now from this "shoot" is the thumbnails. This next one is the only original render from this post that I can source now:

The post focused on Victoria 4.2 on this occasion, so let me fill in with renders that are true to the original spirit -- also waaaay better than a bundle of 14-year-old Deep Shadow maps would have been!

3D art in profusion today -- because I have no time to write anything! Things are not just busy, they're insane, with work on one side and domestic duties on the other. I'll be back tomorrow, and hope to have time to write, because there's quite a bit I want to talk about. But for now ... please enjoy the artwork, and ... 'scuse I, cuz I have to run!

Jade, 26 May

***Posted by MK: my connection is currently intermittent, too slow for this.