At last, a new skinmap for Victoria 4.2! Not that they don't make them by the hundreds, but you'll understand if I was more interested in getting about sixteen skinmaps for Michael 4 first. Perfectly natural obsession, right? However, I seem to have skinmaps for almost all occasions for M4 now; would like a couple more which would give me a variety of options as per eyebrows and so forth, but the library of skinmaps I have is good enough now that I can look with interest at new skins for Victoria.
This one is called Jenna, and I've had my eye on it for a while. It has a nice natural look about it -- freckles and so forth. It also comes with a variety of makeups, which absolves me of the necessity to get in there and start painting!
The character comes with face morphs too, so I toyed with this while also playing with some of the new brocade textures I got in the same sale...

It's an interesting face, but, as with most models, too young and baby-doll for my tastes! So, the ultimate experiment is to take the skinmap and plunk it onto one of my own character/face designs, and see what happens:

And that's pretty darned good. The Jenna skinmap looks great when dropped onto other face morphs -- and this is the important aspect, to me.
Mind you, this is worth a close-up look:

The effect is nice ... in a "14 year old playing in Mom's clothes" kind of way -- and when you remember that a lot of the top models prancing down the catwalks of Europe at this time are under 15, well, it gives you pause for thought!
Jade, 16 May
***Posted by MK because the internet is AWOL. Intermittent crap. Be warned, guys: our connection is going to be in and out for a week or two, as of this point: Telstra (or whatever) is doing a lot of work on the landlines in this area. And as you know, if you've been looking at the "poster notes" on these journal entries in my looooong adventure through the world of CG, 3D and digital, even at the best of times we can find ourselves with dialup speeds in this area. This is why MK has been making many posts for me, since Day One -- Keegan has the fast connection, not me! (This should change in the near future, when the cables or whatever are updated, and they stop working on them. At least, s'wot Telstra promises.) Credit where it's due: this blog would not have been possible without the support of a pal with decent internet. Because ours sucks. We moved into this area about six months before I got into Studio and blogging about it, and I almost quit right there: DAYS to download something from the DAZ store, at one point. Argh. Thank gods for friends when you need 'em!