Monday, October 26, 2009

Experiments in Cinemascope

One of the things I've wanted to try playing with for a while is the "CinemaScope" render setting that DAZ makes available. Think about this: you're illustrating something, and you can make your artwork come up like ... stills or frames from a movie that hasn't been made. Oh, yeah.

(Click on the above to see it at full size ... you'll be surprised!)

The Cinemascope setting is to be found in the drop-down menu under Render > Render settings > Presets. They have every preset in the world on the menu. The CinemaScope one is 600 x 225, expressed in pixels.

Which means you can set up your backdrop to the last pixel, and then work with a pre-designed character. This is too easy. The shot above was done using a 1200x 450 crop from a shot of Lake Alexandrina, over the rooftops of the "shacks" at Milang a couple of years ago. It's quite en evocative shot to start with. Then, add yet another permutation on the Michael 4 model, and get the whole thing posed ... and render it.

(This Michael 4 is wearing a face designed by me, plus a blond version of one of the hair styles ... the Billy Hawke hair, I think ... plus the leather jacket and rollneck sweater.)

The shot says a lot. It's dawn, he's making his way into a small town, and he's looking for someone or something. Could easily be a movie frame. I'm very pleased with this effect ... will be doing more in this format. You can get tired of being "stuck" in the 2:3 ratio for book covers. The artist hiding inside starts to rattle its chains, wanting to get out.

Jade, 27 October