Sunday, July 25, 2010

3D sets ... yet more new toys from my splurge at DAZ!

More of my new toys from the DAZ sale the other day. You're actually looking at two new 3D sets here, but I'm featuring one in the foreground today, and will come back and take a closeup look at the other one tomorrow...

A Curious Passage is the wall and columns and gate, with the cool dead ivy. The walls are all broken, the gates are all bent and warped and rusted. It's very evocative ... begging for autumnal colors, fall trees, stormy skies...

So I put a Vue sky behind it, and added in a couple of the Deluxe Trees, and five lights to cast shadows. This is a great set. You could continue with the walls in the background and make a completely closed set, and then put trees, shrubs, whatever you want or need, inside.

But I decided I'd load up something called Reparation in the background ... it's a mausoleum, which suits the mood of this perfectly. Tomorrow, I'll focus on the monument ... and also, I got the Requiescat set of textures for it, so we can also dress is up as a different set entirely.

Also, I'll see if we can get Michael and/or Victoria to pose for a glamour shoot in the set. Depends on time, y'understand...

See you tomorrow, with all that!

Jade, 25 July

***Posted by MK: my connection is intermittent, too slow for this. Seriously, guys, I've got dialup speeds. How are you expected to do anything these days, at 1990 dialup speeds?!!!