Seriously ... the Millennium Dragon is packed on the disk that comes with the book, FIGURES, CHARACTERS AND AVATARS, from DAZ. I couldn't resist installing it yesterday. It's a great little model -- the texture map they supply as part of the original kit is already great. That's what you're seeing here. You can also pay ten bucks and get an extra-detailed map, but I'm actually quite happy with this one. Also, the model is incredibly posable -- you have about 10 places where his tail kinks, and you can do fantastic things with his wings, his tongue ... every joint of every finger and toe can be posed.
So instead of having this one menace a creepy old castle, I made him hatchling sized, and sat him in the palm of the Michael 4, then used Irfanview to get a really RED version of the old standby background I've been using ... rendered it, and -- there you go. My pet dragon. End of the Quest for Gold saga.
Incidentally, as great as this dragon is ($20, and $10 extra for the texture), DAZ have also done the Millennium Dragon 2, which is out of this world, beyond description ... also fifty bucks. He's on my list of "gotta get goodies," but he's going to have to wait till I'm more, uh, financial. He's like this little guy's big brother, and he's awesome.
Jade, November 15